Friday, February 25, 2011

Very Lazy Day

Today was a very lazy day. I spent my whole morning, in bed, playing games on my iPhone. Then I spent most of my afternoon, texting my girlfriend and watching TV on the couch. G4 is a pretty awesome channel. Later today, I'm most likely going to play some Black Ops or Rock Band, whatever I feel like at the time.

Hopefully, I'll be able to see my girlfriend either tomorrow or Sunday, depending on the weather. There's supposed to be snow on Sunday, so who knows? The weather today was just rainy and gloomy. All day. Stupid weather. At least tomorrow is supposed to be nice.


  1. Yeah, i've had days like that. kindda sucks.

  2. You at least gotta get out of bed and play some real games! iphone games are good for on the go :P

  3. every day is lazy for me to lol

    damn i play games on my iPod in bed.. -_- cbf getting up until 3pm

  4. well its weekend so beeing lazy is ok i guess ;)
    btw get dead space for iphone its amazing

  5. lol, ya it happens tho... Hope tomorrow is better for you!~

  6. It was raining hail at my house today. Kinda sucked since i wanted to go for a jog.

  7. Ah, I remember when G4 was still TechTV. I really don't like G4 but I'm glad it is enjoyable for you. Hopefully tomorrow will hold better weather for you!

  8. Sounds fun. And I disagree about G4, I miss the old TechTV. But I still like to watch X-play. I feel sorry for Kevin P. being surrounded by morons on AOTS. They try too hard to be pop culture instead of being a geek channel.

  9. I always find myself watching G4 when I dont really want to do anything.

  10. Black ops is always fun to kick back too.
